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Terms and conditions

Adoption South East makes every effort to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up-to-date. However, we cannot accept responsibility for any loss or inconvenience caused by reliance on inaccurate material contained in this site.

This information should not be relied upon as sole substitute for formal advice from Adoption South East and its partners.

Links to other sites are provided for your convenience and do not imply Adoption South East's endorsement of them. We cannot be responsible for information contained on other sites.

Likewise, Adoption South East attempts to ensure the accuracy of material and to test it on various platforms. But Adoption South East does not guarantee that any of its contents is virus-free. You must take your own precautions as we accept no responsibility for any infection by virus or other contamination or by anything which has destructive properties.


All material on this site (including text and images) is, unless otherwise stated, the copyright of Adoption South East. Educational use (within the classroom) is permitted provided that no changes are made to the material and Adoption South East is acknowledged as the owner. Commercial usage is prohibited unless formal written permission is obtained beforehand.

Privacy and cookies

To see what information is collected and how it is used, please see our privacy notices.

We use cookies on some pages, but no personal information is disclosed to third parties (unless specifically stated otherwise) and is held under the provisions of the Data Protection Act.

Some parts of our website will instruct your browser to send a report when content is prevented from loading on one of our pages, due to our content security policy rules. We use these anonymous reports to improve the security of our website for our visitors, whilst ensuring that legitimate content is permitted.

Links to external organisations

Due to the large number of requests we now receive, we cannot agree to add new links from our web pages to voluntary or commercial organisations. However, in rare cases, where there has been a specific recommendation from a representative of Adoption South East, we may be able to make an exception.

If you would like us to consider adding a link to your site, please contact us. You'll need to provide details of your organisation as well as where you think your link would be most appropriate. Be aware that linking to an organisation does not represent a recommendation of its goods or services.

Further information

For further details please contact Adoption South East using our contact form.